Gather & Trust

We gather together in a quiet, centered space (online or in person) and I:
- Welcome you with an open heart as a valued participant
- Ensure you have what you need: water, tea, pen, journal
- Explain how the circle will unfold over the two hours
- Relay the importance and power of a safe container
- Begin with a centering, connecting, heart-opener exercise
* The opening exercise is a writing exercise in which I offer one prompt and we all write for ten minutes to that prompt in a stream-of-consciousness style like we do with all the other writing prompts. Then we take turns reading what we’ve written out loud. This has a profound way of helping you immediately connect with your authentic voice, drop in to your own truth, as well as enabling you to feel instantly connected to others’ humanity. It’s like magic.
Write & Witness
Next we begin the practice of Journey Writing whereby I:
- Read a contemporary women-centric poem aloud twice
- Offer you 3-5 prompts or jump-off lines to write down
- Set a timer for us (including me) to write for 5-15 minutes
- Encourage you to write stream-of-consciousness without stopping to analyze or find a ‘better’ word
- Ask you to read your writing aloud as we each witness your journey through the practice of deep listening
- Invite us each to thank you from our hearts
Thereafter, I read one more poem and we follow the same practice of writing, sharing, and listening or witnessing.

Thank & Gift

After you each share your writing out loud we give thanks through a simple gesture. This gifting helps you to:
- Realize that nothing is forbidden and all is welcome
- Be yourself and feel safe enough to let go
- Recognize that you are not alone in your struggles
- Acknowledge that true presence is all you need to feel seen
- Feel compassion for others’ vulnerability
- Know that you are seen and heard
- Trust that you are accepted for who you are