These are some of my favorite reviews for being Ana from real people such as professionals in the field of eating disorders, bookstores where I’ve done readings, yogis and healers who understand the search for the Self, recovered anorexics who have great insight and others who resonated with the book and have kindly shared their amazing thoughts. Thanks!  

I’m still in the process of gathering reviews from the big guns out there … So if you are a big gun and want to write a review, feel free to fire away. Just aim it at my contacts page and I’ll publish it. 

“Ms. Raviv is a fabulous writer and did an amazing job of simultaneously showing how her eating disorder functioned to keep her from being conscious of the underlying issues while in the depths of it, and showing the reader how all of her behaviors, thoughts and feelings were directly related to those underlying issues. She also ties in the predisposition to developing an eating disorder in a way that makes the connection between genetics/biology and environmental factors.”––Susie Roman, MA, Director of Programs, National Eating Disorders Association

“Shani’s openness and clarity in sharing her experience with Anorexia gave the students in my class a unique opportunity to gain empathy and understanding for the living of an eating disorder. I know it will make them better therapist.”––Dr. John Deninno, clinical psychologist and eating disorder elective instructor, Bastyr University

“Shani Raviv is a great inspiration to the many millions out there struggling with eating disorders. Her book being Ana is honest, sensitive, witty, brutal and so much more.”––Graham Alexander, M.A. (Clin.Psych.)(U.C.T.), Director of Crescent Clinic Eating Disorders Unit

“Candid descriptions of what must be a difficult and deeply personal, yet important, story to tell.”––Seal Press

“I’ve been to treatment this past January but have since relapsed. Reading being Ana has brought me to decide to go back to treatment and finally allow myself life.”––Alexandria, Amazon review

being Ana is not only an insightful, raw and thought-provoking memoir detailing a subject most people know little about, but also an author who understands how to present a difficult subject with humor and aplomb. Even though the book took her eight years to complete, there is an aching immediacy within these pages. I definitely look forward to Ms. Raviv’s next project!”––Leighanne Law, Elliott Bay Book Co.

Beautifully bold and authentically told being Ana is the best autobiography I’ve read to date about a young woman’s struggle to find herself and to learn to love the self she finds, as is. As a professional Social Worker practicing counseling & therapy, specializing in eating disorder treatment, I’m usually hesitant to reccomend autobiographical books to clients. However, Shani’s story has been an exception. Why? During a hospital visit with a client, a young woman struggling with complex anorexia who came close to dying, I was prompted by an intuitive urging to read the preface of being Ana to my client. Sitting on her hospital bed with her, I began to read. After I finished reading the first two pages, she stopped me and with tears streaming down her cheeks, she said, ‘This is me she is writing about; I’m just like that too.’ After this experience, I began reading the preface of Shani’s book to other clients I thought might benefit from hearing it. Everyone I read it to expressed similar feelings and thoughts. I bought copies to have available to gift to people who couldn’t afford to buy their own. I keep it near at hand when I meet with new folks who are reaching out for help for the first time. Another client, a teenager who recovered from Anorexia, read this book and then encouraged her mother to read it. She told me, ‘The book explains my eating disorder in a way I could never express to my mom and now after reading it, she (her mom) now understands why I did what I did when I was struggling with it.–– Joan Krakowiak, Eating Disorder Therapist, MSW, LICSW

“As someone who has personally struggled with Anorexia I know how hard it is to open up to those who haven’t. Shani Raviv is one of few brave enough to do this. This book shares her truth and gives insight into a disorder that is often misconstrued by the public. Reading this book was the first time I realized that behaviors I used to exhibit were truly behaviors of Ana. I recommend that anyone who has struggled with an eating disorder read this book––for me it was therapeutic. For those who have not personally experienced Ana, this book is enlightening and allows for a unique insight into the thoughts of someone suffering. being Ana is incredibly well written and I could not put it down. Shani Raviv is an excellent writer and through her book she has become one of my personal heros. A MUST READ for everyone.”––Ariana, recovered anorexic

“I am impressed by Shani’s dedication to her own healing, her powerful humility and love for her Self. She has done alot of work already in this lifetime, and then made the most compassionate decision to share her journey with others so that they too, may heal deep wounds. being Ana is powerful medicine and will help many women heal from Anorexia but this book is for ALL women and is a beautiful offering to the Divine Feminine.”––Jamie Carroll, Yoga Instructor

“Shani spoke at The Victorian and it was hugely influential for our gals struggling with their own eating disorders. She shares her story with genuine honesty, courage, and heart. Her book gives an in depth look at the struggle and victory over this horrific disease. Shani is living proof that you can overcome Anorexia. She is a vision of hope!”––Michelle Smith, Program Director & Nurse, The Victorian––Eating Disorder Treatment Center

“A fascinating window into the frightening and relentless world of Anorexia and, equally, young womanhood.”––Katherine Boyle, Veritas Literary Agency

“This is a must-read memoir because of Shani’s honesty and hope. Whether you know it or not, someone in your life is probably dealing with anorexia or food/body issues. This book tells of that pain from the inside and helps the reader understand the disorder. Perhaps most importantly, Shani Raviv demonstrates that people can make it through anorexia. Her wisdom and her clear voice are very powerful. Shani’s globe-trotting personal experiences offer another fascinating angle to the story, taking the reader from South Africa to Israel to New York City. Eat, Pray, Love will seem vapid after this! I highly recommend being Ana for mother/teen daughter book groups and anyone trying to understand more about eating disorders.”–– Tegan Tigani, Queen Anne Books, Events Coordinator

“Shani’s writing is engaging, with all those qualities you’d hope to find in a memoir––clear, funny, sharp, insightful. However, it’s always a whole lot easier to comment on the writing than on the content, which is, in a phrase, mind-blowing. It’s amazing to me how much a body and mind can withstand, the degree of inner strength someone can have, and the tenacity of the survival instinct––because clearly not everyone can go through such extremes and come out on the other side.”––Karen Schwartz, LMSW, Yoga Therapist

“As a healthcare provider this book educated me on the inner workings of one women’s challenge with anorexia. The subject matter is horrific and painful yet the writing is soft, digestible and enjoyable. It is impossible to read this book without feeling, without reflecting, without it changing your perspective on this illness. This woman’s story of recovery is so powerful and inspiring. I now recommend it to my patients and colleagues.”––Jordana Grusgott, Nurse Practitioner, ER

“As a recovered anorexic, I have read several books on the subject of eating disorders including many memoirs. Often, these authors describe the development and course of the eating disorder by providing purely physical details (how many calories they ate, how often they exercised, how much weight they lost, etc.). Though eating disorders have very physical––and visible––effects, these texts neglect the very real emotional function of eating disorders. Raviv’s memoir is the first I have read that goes beyond a description of physical details and appropriately addresses the underpinnings of eating disorders. She shares her journey toward recovery and self-discovery without glorifying anorexia––a refreshing and much-needed look at eating disorders.”––Megan, recovered anorexic

“We have read parts of being Ana in the eating disorders support group that I run and some of the girls have written the quote you included in your book from Anais Nin on their walls in the clinic: “And the day came that the risk it took to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”––Sabrina Sargenti, eating disorder counselor 

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